Trilogy in the midst of the harsh nature
The Portland Trilogy is characterized by the fantastic and harsh nature, that surrounds Esbjerg. The harbourcity is situated in the Northern part of the Wadden Sea. The Southern part is dominated by the flat marshlands all the way to the shoreline, exactly as the readers of The Axe Ship get to know.
In volume 2, The Coal Man, especially the desolate island of Langli in the Ho Bay plays an important role as a nerveracking highlight. In volume 3, The Ghost Prisoner, a large part of the action takes place along the harsh coastline north of Esbjerg. In addition the island of Fanoe (Fanø), where Nina Portland is born og raised, often appears all the way through the three novels.
The beautiful video (link below) by the administration of the nationalpark gives a very good impression of the sorroundings of the trilogy.
When The Wadden Sea National Park was inaugurated, one of Denmark's unquestionably most important nature reserves became part of the Danish National Parksprogramme. The Wadden Sea National Park is the largest national park in Denmark covering 146.600 Ha.
The park encompasses the Wadden Sea, the Wadden Sea islands, Skallingen, Varde Ådal, the area around Marbæk and part of the marshlands behind the dikes on the mainland including Tjæreborgmarsken, Ribemarsken, Margrethekogen and the outer ”kogs” in Tøndermarsken. A ”kog” is land reclaimed from the sea.